Tuesday, March 18, 2025 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Forum for ending and preventing homelessness amongst young adults aged 18-24.
ICH agendas have standard components that are modified by Co-Chairs and the ICH Team based on the needs of the specific meeting
Standard Agenda:
- Welcome & Agenda Review (5 mins)
- Systemwide Check-In (15 mins)
- Partner Updates (15 mins)
- Discussion Topics (50 mins)
- Summary & Adjournment (5 mins)
To join the mailing list for updates (including minutes, agenda, handouts, and any changes to meeting details), see contact information below. Please be sure to indicate in the subject line of your email: Request to join for ICH Youth Committee listserv.
Meeting Logistics
- Join online as an attendee: https://dcnet.webex.com/dcnet/j.php?MTID=m3c80d390c646c67a7a53b2abd0f7f37e
- Join by Phone: 202-860-2110
- Number (access code for callers): 2314 195 5200
- Meeting password (for callers): MfFpuWsx727
ICH Team
Email: [email protected]