The Interagency Council on Homelessness guides the District’s policies and programs for meeting the needs of individuals, youth, and families experiencing or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness. The ICH Full Council meets quarterly.
The October meeting of the Full Council will focus on adopting the FY24 Winter Plan. See the attached Public Meeting Notice and the Updated Winter Plan.
Updated Winter Plan
We greatly appreciate that the ICH Emergency Response & Shelter Operations (ERSO) Committee (CMTE) adopted the Winter Plan by consensus at the 09/27 meeting with the condition that the ICH Team would integrate feedback and concerns from the meeting. The attached Word documents reflect the discussion and recommendations from the 09/27 meeting. To promote transparency, one copy is in track changes. Recognizing that track changes are not user-friendly, a second, clean copy with all track changes accepted is also attached.
Opportunities for Understanding the Winter Plan Updates
The pre-meeting with the City Administrator before the 10/17 ICH Full Council meeting will have feedback stations devoted to the Winter Plan.