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District of Columbia Interagency Council on Homelessness

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ICH Youth Committee

Last Date:


The Youth Committee of the ICH is focused on implementing Solid Foundations DC: Comprehensive Plan to End Youth Homelessness. Comprised of advocates, community providers, and implementing agencies, the Committee developed the data-driven plan based on annual youth census outcomes and the data captured by the coordinated entry system for unaccompanied youth. A few initiatives underway to implement Solid Foundations DC include comprehensive street outreach programs and pilot transitional housing programs for specific populations of focus.

Additionally, this Committee is the body that will coordinate the implementation of comprehensive programming to support runaway youth and families and future work around prevention programming.

To join the mailing list for updates (including minutes, agenda, handouts and any changes to meeting details), see contact information below. Please be sure to indicate in the subject line of your email: Request to join ICH Youth Committee listserv.

To view a recording of this meeting please click here


ICH Team