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District of Columbia Interagency Council on Homelessness

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**CANCELLED** ICH Medicaid Work Group

Last Date:


2/19 Update: at our last Work Group meeting, we touched base on 1) the status of DHS efforts to Standardize PSH Scope of Work and 2) our priorities for the 2018 calendar year.

The feedback around 2018 priorities was to:

  1. Continue to support DHS efforts to Standardize PSH Scope of Work and
  2. Identify other opportunities to standardize services and leverage Medicaid. Some areas identified for exploration include:
    • DBH system transformation efforts underway and
    • DHCF/DOH efforts underway to address social determinants of health.

With this valuable feedback in hand, we are working with our agency partners to identify the full range of existing opportunities and identify the ways that the Work Group members can participate and inform these opportunities. However, all agencies, including the ICH, are currently preparing for Performance Oversight and we are not in a position to have a substantive conversation at next week’s Medicaid Work Group meeting. In an effort to be respectful of your time (and avoid meeting just to meet), we are cancelling this coming Wednesday’s WG meeting.

We expect to reconvene per our standing meeting date/time on March 21st, unless our partners and stakeholders indicate that there are time sensitive updates and/or developments and there is good reason to convene earlier.


The Medicaid Work Group of the Interagency Council on Homelessness supports the Strategic Planning Committee by spearheading the effort to establish housing case management, outreach, and other homeless assistance services as health care services and leverage Medicaid to pay them.  Additionally, this work group is tasked with identifying and addressing gaps in the delivery of medical services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

To join the mailing list for updates (including minutes, agenda, handouts and any changes to meeting details), see contact information below.  Please be sure to indicate in the subject line of your email: Request to join mailing list for ICH Medicaid Work Group.

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