7/07 Update: Please note that we will be canceling the July Executive Committee meeting.
Although many committees will be taking the month of August off, the Executive Committee will need to convene in August to prepare for the September full Council meeting. Because we have a lot of activity at the committee and work group level right now, we’d like to suggest that you take the time to participate directly in some of those other meetings this month to help shape decisions about our coordinated entry system, the winter plan, and daytime services (see list below).
When we reconvene in August, we will recap these efforts for members who were not able to participate and share a draft of the Winter Plan.
List of ICH Committee/Work Group Efforts in July and August:
Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement (CAHP) System Development & Implementation
Youth CAHP Manual: The Youth Work Group has scheduled a series of meetings dedicated to the drafted Coordinated entry/CAHP Manual. Dates and topics are list below. Meeting details are available online.
- 7/7: Defining “Long term, Short term, and Diversion/One Time Assistance”
- 7/13: Understanding movement through the system
- 7/18: Criteria for PSH
- 7/20: Lowering barriers for all program models
- 7/26: Use of the active registry
- 8/15: Any outstanding items/follow ups
Family System and Coordinated Entry: DHS & TCP have been working on developing a coordinated assessment where a common assessment tool will be used to ensure that the appropriate referrals are being made to the appropriate interventions. The monthly DHS Family Provider meeting will be used to introduce and discuss a proposed process. Meeting information: July 12th 11:30 to 1:30 pm at DHS NOMA-Training/Conf.-C Rm-661.
Singles CAHP Leadership Team: Singles CAHP leadership is tackling prioritization for PSH, TAH and RRH based on lessons learned and unmet needs in the system, including need for re-entry related interventions/coordination. The 7/13 meeting of the Singles CAHP work group will focus on prioritization for RRH, in preparation for the expansion of the RRH program for singles.Meeting details available online.
HSRA Modernization: There are no upcoming meetings scheduled but wanted to share an FAQ to respond to the most frequently asked questions and to dispel myths about the proposed amendments. See attached PDF titled HSRA Modernization.
Day Services Strategy: The Shelter Conditions Work Group was tasked by the ERSO committee to evaluate options for expanding Day Time Services, as part of the work of improving shelter conditions and ensuring access to adequate homeless services throughout the District. DHS is developing a strategy and needs feedback, particularly as it relates to engaging consumers and obtaining feedback on the topic directly from consumers. The focus of the 7/13 meeting of the Shelter Conditions Work Group will be Day Time Services. Meeting details available online.
The Executive Committee of the Interagency Council on Homelessness establishes the annual agenda and determines the issues that are presented to the Full Council for discussion/resolution. Additionally, the Executive Committee ensures coordination among the standing committees of the ICH and addresses critical items that need resolution between Full Council meetings.
To join the mailing list for updates (including minutes, agenda, handouts and any changes to meeting details), see contact information below. Please be sure to indicate in the subject line of your email: Request to join mailing list for ICH Executve Committee.